Monday 28 March 2011

Possible Music downloaded to use within my media trailer

Above is a video I had made in windows movie maker, it contains snipets of the music i downloaded from website These sound files inspired me to create my short film trailer, although I did not use all of them I felt it would be a good idea to give examples of all in order to present the reasons why I used some and not others.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Final Film Trailer Complete

Below is my final film trailer I created it in Windows Movie Maker.

I originally began to create the trailer in Adobe Flash player , however I could not continue constructing the final product as the program  was constantly freezing. As a final resort I then switched to Movie Maker and started again from scratch. I actually found Movie Maker easy to use although the range of tools compared to adobe was very limited.  Nevertheless I worked with what I had and I am pleased with the finished project.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Plan and creation of my production company logo

I decided upon the name 'EMB Productions ', these are the initials of my name and considering Ive completed the trailer on my own I thought this was a good reason. It shows how I stand strong as an individual. 

Because I dont have the tools to create an animation I decided on another way to enable my logo to move . This was to firstly create my logo and then pick it apart.

I inserted around 30 pages on the microsoft publisher programme and within each screen each part of the production logo was presented. I then print-screened each word and pasted it into the programmee. I cropped each down to size so only the text and blank white background was visible. I then saved each image into an individual folder.

For the word "Prodcution" which was situated underneath  "EMB" I wanted it to appear seperatly and move in motion differently to the singular letters above. My idea was for the same colour green used on the initials to pass quickly through the word. It would then appear as though the word had been illuminated.

The word appears as a whole and then we start to see glow of green pass through behind the lettering. To achieve this I had simply changed the colour of the word in paint and increased it's size slightly so it would stand out .

I proceeded to print screen the process of the green colouring running through behind the lettering and again saved images of this. 

 I then inserted these images into my trilaer as images and added an effect on to each , the effect enabled the image to move along quicker as it was a "Fast Forward" effect.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Questionnaire for film trailer

In order to gain useful feedback on an audiences views about my film trailer, I have decided to create a questionnaire which  I will distribute just before I show my trailer to participants. I Will show two screenings of my film trailer. The first one will allow the audience to watch without having to think and the second showing will enable them to think more clearly about how they awnser each question. Below is the questionnaire I have created.
After the questionnaires have been completed I will take them in and come to an overal conclusion from the results. I'll then proceed to select a few of the participants that watched the screening and record them as they awsner the questions that were displayed on the questionnaire.

Friday 4 March 2011


Title of my music magazine

I chose to name my film magazine “Fusion”. One definition for the word Fusion is;a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy ‘.
In relation to my film magazine I have used this word because just like a nuclear reaction, films can be explosive, exciting and both predictable and unpredictable. For example a film may be one nuclei that will combine with another nuclei, which could be represented as the media. Together they have the ability to create a ‘simultaneous release of energy’.
I felt the type of text I used to portray the title was important, it need to have a certain ‘spark’. helped me create the perfect title for my film magazine, although firstly I played around with a range of texts that I thought might work. Below are the following texts I selected to experiment with.

I simply went onto the website and there I was presented with a range of headings in relation to the style of certain texts. 

 The fact that there was a lot of variety in terms of what I could pick and choose from excited me and I decided to explore further into the ranges of texts on offer. 

I then proceeded to click on the 'Various' link under the 'Techo' heading as I felt there would be a more diverse selection of texts to chose from.
The website then took me to a page which looks similar to the image above. I was able to click on any text that took my fancy.
 I clicked on 'SKY' and typed in at the top box under 'Custom preview' what  i wished for the text to say, I pressed the sumbit button and was presented with something which looks like the image below.