Sunday 10 October 2010

Camera Shots of a Horror Film

Many shots in horror films are considered to be cliché’s as they are seen so often, the following are  common ones we would expect to see;

The Silhouette against a door
Usually a silhouette is visible against the light, its purpose is to imply that there’s something nasty lurking behind the corner and that the unsuspecting token character is about to get attacked.

Spiral Staircase
One example may be how the camera moves to the top of the staircase and looks down on the character that may be standing at the very top; the spirals of the flights of stairs are used to frame the character. This shot makes the audience tense as they can visualise how big of a drop the stairs may be  and therefore there’s are danger element involved.

A mystery shape flits past the camera
This shot creates a sense of enigma and gets the audience thinking about what or who it was that flashed passed the camera with such speed and how they managed to do so.

The Spin around scare
This shot happens to begin with someone dead or mutilated facing the wall. Suddenly the character whips around as the suspension built results in this climax.

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