I chose to name my film magazine “Fusion”. One definition for the word Fusion is; ‘a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy ‘.
In relation to my film magazine I have used this word because just like a nuclear reaction, films can be explosive, exciting and both predictable and unpredictable. For example a film may be one nuclei that will combine with another nuclei, which could be represented as the media. Together they have the ability to create a ‘simultaneous release of energy’.
I felt the type of text I used to portray the title was important, it need to have a certain ‘spark’. http://www.dafont.com/ helped me create the perfect title for my film magazine, although firstly I played around with a range of texts that I thought might work. Below are the following texts I selected to experiment with.
I simply went onto the website and there I was presented with a range of headings in relation to the style of certain texts.
I then proceeded to click on the 'Various' link under the 'Techo' heading as I felt there would be a more diverse selection of texts to chose from.
The website then took me to a page which looks similar to the image above. I was able to click on any text that took my fancy.
I clicked on 'SKY' and typed in at the top box under 'Custom preview' what i wished for the text to say, I pressed the sumbit button and was presented with something which looks like the image below.

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