Friday, 12 November 2010

Bullying in Schools

Within my short trailer the issue of bullying arises as the vampire girl is bullied by two girls, they follow her into the forest and she then gets her revenge on them by capturing one of the bullies. The audience become aware of this as they can see the girls pink bag thrown amongst the leafs and the other girl running away from forest.
Children will bully for a number of reasons ;
Children may be frustrated and will become resentful because the source of their difficulty has not been identified; child feels they have to perform at a level that is required of them by the school.
The child bullying has been bullied them-self meaning the responsibility adults hold for their child have failed in their duty of care. The child tends to slowly and reluctantly start exhibiting aggressive behaviours because they feel it’s the only way to survive in an bullying-entrenched environment.
Either there is no role model or the child has parents whom are poor role models, as they themselves may not have had the opportunity to learn behaviour skills.
Abuse and neglect may be present within the family household causing the child to rebel as a means of escaping. The child will feel inferior and un-loved if they are not cared for.
Its easy for a child to fit in with the wrong crowd particularly within a school environment, they feel the need to conform and find a sense of identity.  Those that socialize amongst the a ‘bad’ group of people usually indicates that they have low self-esteem.

Bullying in schools can include:

Verbal harassment
Hitting, hair pulling and kicking
Teasing and name calling
 Spreading rumours
damaging posessions

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