I handed out a set of 15 questionnaires consisting of 10 questions to a range of different people, in order to gain some audience feedback, here are my results.
Q1) What age are you?
12-15 16-19 20-30 30+
I found that the majority of the questionnaires completed were done so by those between the ages of 16-19 so they were all teenagers. I have come to the conclusion that I will now aim my short trailer at these ages; considering I am of this age myself it may be easier to create the trailer so the audience can relate to it.
Q2) What genre do you enjoy watching?(tick 2)
Horror Sci-fi Action Comedy Romantic/chick flick Thriller
5 1 3 12 4 5
Participants were asked to tick two out of the three genres available, the highest amount of ticks came out as Comedy and the lowest was sci-fi. From these results I found that often teenagers want to watch something that excites them, isn’t too complicated to understand and is overall something they can laugh about , whilst still being frightened at the same time due to the Thriller and Horror aspects.
Q3) Would you rather the main character Male or Female?
Male Female Not bothered
7 5 3
From the results for question 3 it suggests that more people would prefer to see a male as the main character as apposed to a female. This may be because they like to see the male as the hero and the female as a damsel in distress. However three people also stated that they were not bothered about what gender the main character could possibly be.
Q4) What qualities would you want this character to have?(tick 2)
Charming Cute Funny Athletic Unfit Young Old Ugly Pretty
1 5 10 4 2 4 3 0 3
More participants ticked that the main character needed to have the quality of being funny as there was total of 10 ticks. This suggests that the target audience want to watch an actor who is comical whether this is through dark humour or comedy and parody is an area I will research into. Nobody ticked ‘Ugly’ which implies that they want to see a character whom is nice to look at, stereotypically in horror films many characters are disgusting and gruesome , however due to my results I will challenge this stereotype and use someone attractive to play the role of the main character.
Q5) What features would you like to see included in a trailer?
Cliff-Hangers Flash-backs Voiceovers On screen text Music Names of Actors/directors
6 0 3 1 4 2
Majority of people that completed my questionnaire selected Cliff-Hangers as the feature they would most likely to see in a trailer. This suggests that the target audience want to have something to think about when they watch a trailer, as a cliff hanger gives them a clue about what the film may consist of without giving away the whole of the film. Nobody ticked Flash-Backs this maybe because people would probably get confused by seeing these in a trailer before watching and following the film first.
Q6) Would you like to see real-life situations?
Yes No
12 3
More participants stated how ‘yes’ they would like the trailer to include real-life situations, this may be because they would then be able to relate the film in some way. Real life situations will occur within my short trailer as we see bullying outside of a school although unnatural situations are involved also because the trailer consists of vampire’s.
Q7) What is your occupation?
Nearly all the people that completed my questionnaire were students, in total 9. Two were teachers and 3 others had others forms of jobs. This meant that a lot of the results from students were the same, if i re-did the questionnaire i would hand them out to a larger sample and variety of people, this way my results would have probably been more valid.
Q8) Which title excites you the most? (tick1)
Victoria The Vampire Runner Dead Runner Lonely Death
0 1 12 2
The title ‘Dead Runner’ proved to be the most popular amongst all of the titles available to tick, Whilst ‘Victoria’ wasn’t ticked once . I chose to put down this title name because its very old fashioned name and the myth of Vampires is also very old fashioned and that’s how the two interlink, not to mention this would be the name of the main character.
Q9)Would you like to see all the main characters in a film to be included in the trailer?
Yes No
13 2
More people chose yes for this question , below are some of the reasons why people chose the answers above;
“Yes because it gives you a better idea of the film”
“You know what to expect”
“Gives you an idea of whom the actors are within the film”
“It encourages viewers to go and see the film”
“It’s good to know and see all the main characters beforehand so you get an insight into the film”
“Creates more suspense if you don’t know all characters”
“Entices you into watching the feature film”