Friday, 11 February 2011

Dead Runner Title

I decided that I wanted to show the title of my film at the ending of my trailer, as this builds suspense and creates fear and wonder within the audiences mind . The Name of my film is "Dead Runner", I have created a logo so that it will be recognized. Because I dont have the skills to use an animation programme i thought about how i could make the title move. I came up with the idea of making it grow in size, this gave off the thought  that  the "Dead Runner" was after the audience, as it grows in size it symbolizes its increase in power.

I achieved this by using the Microsoft Publication programme. I created a black background with a red border whilst the title was situtated in the centre. Each time i would increase the width of the red border and the size of the logo, I viewed each display in 'Print preivew' then printscreened each and saved them as pictures.

 I next imported each image into windows movie maker and dragged them onto the timeline. I made sure the length between each image shown was short as this would produce more flow , rather than it being static and looking less like an animation.